Duck Family Weathervane. The Indian Runner Ducks is an unusual breed not only for its high egg production but also fro its upright stance and its ability to walk and run rather than waddle.
$325.00 – $380.00 inc GST
Duck Family Weathervane. The Indian Runner Ducks is an unusual breed not only for its high egg production but also fro its upright stance and its ability to walk and run rather than waddle.
Duck Family Weathervane. Known as Indian Runners they are a domestic duck. Like Penquins they stand erect but instead of waddling they run. they are able to lay 300 to 350 eggs a year. they tend to drop their eggs where ever they are. They originated in Indonesia on the islands of Lombok, Java and Bali. Their owners would walk them to market where . they were sold for meat or as egg layers. It is necessary to house the these ducks overnight and to collect the eggs so that other animals are prevented from taking them. They can walk or run but they are unable to fly.
Made of Stainless Steel this Black Duck Family Weathervanes will create interest and give years and years of enjoyment and service.
Both the arrow and the Duck family figures revolve on a ball bearing over a Stainless Steel shaft. Well balanced and proportionally correct these Australian made weathervanes from Glenview Products actually work. The weathervane is powder coated. Like the early Ford motor vehicles, you can have any colour so long as it is black.
A stainless steel mounting plate is available for fixing to a flat surface such as the ridge line of a metal roof or a wooden garden post. Alternatively there is a available for fixing to the apex of the gable (see Fixing Brackets). If you would like to order a fixing bracket to suit this product, please select from the product options above. Fixing brackets ordered with an Aussie Weathervane will not incur any additional delivery charges.
Gable Bracket (Stainless Steel) is used for attaching to the face of the Gable. Suitable for both Tile and Metal Roofs. Because the shaft extends down the face of the Gable, it is 200mm longer than the ridge line bracket.
Stainless Steel Mounting Plate (supplied flat with laser cut slots to allow plate to be bent to the exact pitch of the roof). Used on the roof ridge of metal roofs. Also adaptable to flat surfaces and mounting on posts.
No Mounting Bracket when only the Weathervane is required. Purchasing the suitable bracket makes installation easy and enjoyable
Weight | 4 kg |
Dimensions | 76.5 × 52 × 7.5 cm |
Weathervane Accessories | No Mounting Bracket, Stainless Steel Gable Bracket, Stainless Steel Mounting Plate |